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Found 10887 results for any of the keywords nagoya protocol. Time 0.008 seconds.
Access and benefit sharing under the Convention on Biological DiversitThe EVA GLOBAL consortium stands behind the principles of the three goals of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and supports the fair and equitable sharing of benefits as conceived under the Nagoya Protocol. Th
FAQs | EVAgFrequently Asked Questions FAQ You can find below answers to the most common questions we receive about the EVA project and its online Portal..EVAg
Legal mentions | EVAgThe European virus archive GLOBAL (EVA-GLOBAL) project is funded under -H2020 - Research and Innovation Framework Programme of the European Union. The EVA GLOBAL project is referenced as the H2020 - grant agreement n°871
EVAg | European Virus Archive - GLOBALEVAg is a non profit organisation with expertise in virology to amplify, characterise, standardise, authenticate, distribute and track viruses and derived products.
Access to the EVAg ressources | EVAgThree different types of accesses may be provided to an end-user. StandardPaid Visit our Portal Access provided against payment of the production cost and the shipment cost Shipment charged separately Access conditions d
CCAPCulture Collection of Algae and Protozoa SAMS Limited SAMS Dunbeg, OBAN PA37 1QA Scotland, United Kingdom
SARS-CoV-2 collection | EVAgVisit our page dedicated to antiviral compounds test results against SARS-CoV-2 Given the epidemiological situation concerning SARS-CoV-2, a simplified and faster procedure has been put in place for the supply of molecul
SARS-CoV-2: antiviral compounds test results | EVAgThis section is dedicated to preclinical evaluation of molecules with antiviral potential against the SARS-CoV-2. It may receive links to important published articles in the field, but also preprints and reports of (stil
Monkeypox virus and other Orthopoxviruses collection | EVAgGiven the epidemiological situation concerning Monkeypox virus, a simplified and faster procedure has been put in place for the supply of molecular diagnostics control and viral strains to the scientific community worldw
Contact Us | EVAgIf you have any question or technical problem please consult our FAQs section first.
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